Friday, June 29, 2007

The Return

First of all I want to thank everyone who was a part of this trip. Especially my parents, Cameron's parents and Justin's mom. Also all the bands that shared the stage with us and all our homies for housing us. Although I think the three of us are pretty mentally drained from a few awful shows, the trip all in all was a truly great thing. I don't want to eat doritos for a long time though. Anyway, here are some pictures.
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All this crap and three humans in a Volvo
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Alex from KCPR
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Cameron honestly snaps his fingers 100 times a day
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This wall was asking for it
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The Verity Room, Canoga Park, CA
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We're a hardcore band now
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Just because we're on tour doesn't mean we can't keep fit, Ventura, CA
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We found a bunch of right-footed sandals in a dumpster behind The Alpine
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Trucks falling in love while stuck in traffic on the way to Fresno
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The long, beautiful drive to Reno
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This face pretty much sums up how that show went

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